Did you know I used to sell jewelry on TV? It's true! I was a host on a live TV shopping network for a year and a half. I've done live radio, and written a monthly column for a national magazine for three years. My passion is speaking to groups and helping people find their own spiritual connection.
If you have a YouTube channel, event, meeting, or podcast where you’d like me to share my message, please click the link to send a Media Inquiry.

I have more fun with my YouTube videos! The angels are so good about bringing up topics they want me to share with you. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to share their spiritual wisdom with others. I’d love it if you’d subscribe to my channel and also if you’d sign up for notifications (click the “Bell” icon on my YouTube page to sign up for notifications). That way you’ll always be able to share in the wisdom, love and humor of the angels. They can be pretty funny sometimes! Here’s the LINK.